Be Wise Stewards of Your Money
From: Stephanie
“Because we think we have to give our kids everything they want … we are losing everything we have.”
Stephanie made this comment on our blog. Boy did she put it all in a nutshell. This is true for the parents too because we think we deserve everything we want… Meanwhile, we are losing everything we have. Be careful– God has given most of us a certain amount of money and, in some cases, children and He wants us to use that money wisely for the care of those children and in ways that glorify and honor Him.
photo by: tracy_olson
Like this – to the point and very true. Thanks
When I first read Stephanie’s words I thought they were profound. I don’t know many people in my life who are wise stewards of money, that is why I come to the internet to find like-minded people. It’s too bad so many people waste so much money foolishly. That is exactly why our Country is currently in the shape it’s in. By the way, I made those Applesauce Muffins last night and they are good! Took them to work for breakfast this morning.
i am only foolish with my money one time a year and that is christmas. my children do not get toys throughout the year like others. they do get a little something at their birthday but normally that is a gift card for entertainment type things instead of toys. i have two girls and they have millions of toys. i do agree with Bea, i do not know many in my life who are wise with their money either. i also turn to the internet to come up with new ideas to save money or be more resourceful.
Wonderful point! I see so many family’s forking out money hand over fist for their children. Money they do not have & not only for toys and things, but every class or club imaginable for every day of the week. I think the children in our society are overloaded. How meaningful is an single activity if it is just one of the many?
Sometimes simple things make for great times! One weekday evening we loaded up four of our kids and went to Ikea. It was dark and cold outside, but the store was warm and the kids loved trying out all the model rooms. Being a weeknight, the store was not busy. Then we got $1 cinnamon rolls or hot dogs at the snack bar after. It was the best time. They chatted all the way home about what they had seen and wanted their houses to be like when they grow up. Priceless.
I remember singing christmas carols in the car with my family on the way to holiday shopping. I don’t remember the mall or the gifts, but being with family.
Its also wise to remember that we are teaching our children how to handle money by the way we do so.
Great thought! It doesn’t take many words to make a big impact, does it??
Merry Christmas to all!
Yesterday, my son and I made Christmas cookies all day long – we had a great time together and I was sad when the day was over. These shared days go by so fast. I really want to hold on to them forever. I even called my son at home later and said another thank you for spending such a special day with him. We watched a little football with my husband, baked and ate cookies and laughed and really enjoyed one another’s company. A simply delightful day without spending a bunch of money.
I read a true story somewhere, about a medieval monk who lived during the reign of a tyrant king. The monk lived in quiet revolt by not going out of his way to honor that king. One day, one of the king’s noblemen spied the monk, eating a simple bowl of lentils. The nobleman called the monk by name and mocked him by saying “If you would learn to show homage to the king, you would not have to eat lentils”. The monk quietly responded to the nobleman, “If you would learn to eat lentils, you would not have to show homage to the king.” I love that.