Here are 6 edible cookie dough recipes that are incredibly delicious and also safe to eat (because they are eggless cookie dough recipes)! Indulge in your favorite flavors like classic chocolate chip, creamy peanut butter, irresistible Nutella, or something entirely different. These recipes are bound to satisfy your cravings and leave you wanting more.
6 Edible Cookie Dough Recipes
Let’s face it everyone LOVES raw cookie dough! How can you not just love that rich creamy goodness of raw cookie dough just melting in your mouth! Now I will say my brother and I ate raw cookie dough all the time growing up and we lived to tell about it so raw eggs doesn’t bother me. I know that there is a scare now in eating raw cookie dough so I’m sharing these easy eggless cookie dough recipes to help you make yummy raw cookie dough that everyone can enjoy!
This homemade icebox cookies recipe makes great raw edible cookie dough or you can bake it into tasty cookies! It’s easy to add chocolate chips or any extras you prefer and kids and families especially love it!
Ice Box Cookies Recipe
- Yield: 4 dozen
1 cup butter
2 cups brown sugar, packed
1/2–3/4 cup milk
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
nuts (optional)
- Preheat oven to 325°.
- Cream butter and brown sugar.
- Add milk; Blend until smooth.
- Add flour, baking soda, and salt; Mix well.
- Blend in nuts.
- Roll into a log shape and wrap in wax paper.
- Chill in the refrigerator several hours.
- Cut into 1/4 inch slices and place on a greased cookie sheet.
- Bake for 5-10 minutes until done.
This chocolate chip cookie dough recipe makes a classic favorite cookie dough that you can eat as-is or add it to ice cream. It’s super easy and safe to eat raw because there are no eggs!
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Recipe
- Yield: Serves 2
1/4 cup brown sugar, packed
2 Tbsp. butter, softened
dash of salt
1/8 tsp. vanilla
1 Tbsp. milk
5 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
2 Tbsp. chocolate chips
- Mix softened butter, brown sugar, salt, and vanilla until well combined.
- Add milk.
- Slowly add in flour, 1 tablespoon at a time until it reaches a cookie dough consistency.
- Add chocolate chips; Mix until well combined.
- Grab and spoon and enjoy!
This homemade raw sugar cookies recipe makes an easy edible cookie dough with the flavor of homemade sugar cookies! It’s a tasty treat for you or the kids that you can make in minutes!
Homemade Raw Sugar Cookies Recipe
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup shortening
1/2 tsp. vanilla
3/4 cups milk
3 cups all-purpose flour
- Cream together the sugar, shortening, and vanilla.
- Add milk and mix.
- Add the flour and mix until smooth.
- Enjoy!
This easy edible peanut butter cookie dough recipe is a yummy peanut butter favorite that is safe to eat raw, so you can whip up the ingredients and have an easy snack without having to wait! And who can resist peanut butter and chocolate chips! Yum!
Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Recipe
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
dash of salt
1/4 cup butter, softened
3 Tbsp. sugar
3 Tbsp. brown sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 Tbsp. milk
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup chocolate chips, optional
- Add the salt to the flour; Whisk to combine.
- In a separate bowl, combine butter, sugar, and brown sugar.
- Mix in vanilla extract, milk and peanut butter.
- Add dry ingredients and chocolate chips.
- Mix until only streaks of flour remain.
Here is an easy edible Nutella cookie dough recipe that has the delicious flavor of Nutella. It’s an easy after school snack you can make in just a few minutes!
Nutella Cookie Dough Recipe
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
dash of salt
1/4 cup butter, softened
3 Tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 Tbsp. milk
1/4 cup Nutella
- Combine salt and flour; Whisk to combine.
- In a separate bowl, combine butter, and sugar (You can use 1/2 white and 1/2 brown sugar if you like).
- Mix in vanilla extract, milk and Nutella.
- Add the dry ingredients. Mix until only streaks of flour remain.
What child doesn’t like rainbow sprinkles? This birthday cake edible cookie dough recipe makes a festive cookie dough that’ll bring joy to their faces!
Birthday Cake Cookie Dough Recipe
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
dash of salt
1/4 cup butter, softened
3 Tbsp. sugar
3 Tbsp. brown sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 Tbsp. milk
1/4 cup Oreos, crushed
1 Tbsp. sprinkles
- Combine flour and salt; Whisk.
- In a separate bowl, combine butter, sugar, and brown sugar.
- Add vanilla extract and milk; Mix.
- Add dry ingredients and mix until only streaks of flour remain.
- Add Sprinkles and Oreos. Mix and Enjoy!
Click here to get our Dining On A Dime Cookbooks 25% Off NOW! They’re filled with tasty recipes and tips to make your life easier!
Edible Cookie Dough sounds Yummy Goodness
I just want to say thank you, thank you,and thank
For the peanut butter cookie dough, the instructions say to mix in the salt and baking soda with the flour, in the list of ingredients, baking soda is not on there? Are you just missing it or was it a mistake?
Asia we will check it out. I think what happened is we used the recipe for peanut butter cookies in the book and if you use it for the cookie dough recipes you really don’t need the baking soda in it. You can add it but you don’t need to. Thanks for letting us know and we will fix it
Hi how much does serves two mean?
Serves 2 means there is enough for 2 people
In the Nutella Cookie Dough recipe, baking soda is mentioned in the instructions, but not in the list of ingredients, as is brown sugar. May I safely assume neither ingredient is needed? It seems a bit of overkill to have either ingredient in this particular recipe.
Thank you for all of these; they’ll be wonderful for my church’s Sabbath dessert table this Saturday :-)
Sorry for the mix up Joyce and thank you for bringing it to our attention. We will fix it. You don’t need the baking soda for this recipe and you can either do 3 Tbsp. of white sugar or 1 1/2 white and 1 1/2 brown sugar – which ever you like. Thanks again.
Hi, couldn’t fit this comment in an email so wanted to say thanks for all you’ve done. Just saw the video about changes to your channel and wanted to say I’m so happy for your success. You have every right to take your business in a new and different direction. I bought Dining on a Dime for myself and a cousin years ago and we both use it all the time. Also, I’ve so enjoyed my interactions with Jill over the years. I can’t thank you all enough. I truly hope for your continued success (all of you) and hope for the best health possible for all of you.
D. Burham,
Salem MA (and boy is it crazy here this time of year!)
Oh Donna thank you so much for this. We love to hear from all our viewers but those of you who have been with us for ages are extra special to us. We really wouldn’t have gotten this far with out you, our faithful ones.:) :) I have said it before but it is so true, your encouragements in comments like this means so much to us and helps keeps us going. I know it takes time and thought to write a comment so we really appreciate it. I had to chuckle at your last comment. I imagine it is crazy there at this time of year. Tawra and I both would love to come back that direction some time in the fall. I can’t even fathom how beautiful the trees are looking now. I can dream as sit here in 90 degree weather in KS. LOL LOL Once again thank you for your sweet words. Jill
Should there be a concern about consuming raw flour? I believe there have been a couple of recalls due to ecoli contamination.
To be honest Lynne your risk is no more so than if you get something from any other fruit or veggie. I know a lot and I mean a lot of people and have not heard of one of them getting sick from raw flour. On the other hand I know of 3 people where I lived who died when they were served a very famous ice cream that is suppose to be better for you because it was all natural and organic but that doesn’t seem to have worried or kept many people from eating natural or organic things or ice cream. The chances of you having a heart attack from the worry and fear of things are better than the chances of you getting sick from this stuff. Your chances of stepping out and getting hit by a car or being in a wreck are much higher yet that doesn’t seem to worry people at all or stopped them from crossing the street or driving a car. You see what I am trying to say. Use common sense and don’t panic over every thing they put out there on the internet or the news.
Well said
LOL thank you Amy
Hi Lynne, if it worries you to eat raw flour? Do what I do: toast the flour,2 cups flour spread on a cookie sheet,bake at 350° for 5 minutes. Will kill any remaining bacteria. I did this after I got sick from eating raw cookie dough(love it on my ice cream lol lots!! Which is why I got sick?♀️). Since I’ve been toasting the flour it hasn’t happened again,hope this helps ✌
Thanks for the tip
Does the birthday cake cookie dough recipe call for baking soda cause the amount isn’t listed in the ingredients.
I fixed it Danielle thanks for letting us know. Since you are not baking it you don’t need to add the baking soda.
If I wanted to bake the sugar cookie dough, What additions would I have to make>
Just the egg was left out of this but if you are baking I would recommend this other sugar cookie recipe that is sooooo good. It is a large recipe but you can half it. It does call for buttermilk. Tawra makes quite often without just sour milk but they really are best if you can use buttermilk.
I would like to bake the Nutella cookies, how can I go about that?
Thank you!
We don’t have a recipe for baked Nutella cookies Maribel. You could maybe just add an egg. Most of these dough recipes just had the egg taken out so you could eat the raw dough
darn I just wrote all these recipes out and then come to the these can’t be baked part. PS love your books use them all the time, even the older ones