Organizing Tools
I love to keep a set of tools in the kitchen so I don’t have to go out to the garage every time I need to fix something small in the house.
When we moved, I didn’t have anywhere to put my magnetic knife holder. I hated to just get rid of it because I paid $10 and it seems so useful.
Well, I found another use for it! I hung it on the wall in my mini-pantry above the microwave and put my tools on it!
Wow, the magnetic tool holder works so wonderfully that I wish I could buy several more for the garage!
I also keep a razor blade on my tool organizer. A razor blade is one of the most useful tools I have! I use it to scrape anything that is stuck on, to open packages, and to clean really small crevices.
I on the other hand, hate razor blades. It seems like you can get cut on them so easily and when they are laid down they are hard to pick up. I know it sounds more dangerous but I like to use a scalpel. You do have to be careful with scalpels, too. A scalpel has a nice handle and the cutting area is not as large as it is on a razor blade.
You can now get plastic razor blade holders at most hardware stores which are designed for you to insert a razor blade into and reduce the danger when you use it.
Be careful when using anything with a blade, especially if you have children. Don’t just leave razor blades or scalpels laying around, not even for a moment.
You can also use a knife holder in the sewing room to hold your sewing tools or you can place a magnetic strip on the inside of your medicine cabinet to hold things like tweezers, razor blades and needles…
Glad you told us that was a razor blade. I thought it was a bandaid stuck there at first. Hee hee!
Thanks for the idea! Something like this will save me the time of calling my husband, then going out to the barn and searching high and low, usually in the middle of a “crisis.” Thanks also for the blog. It is really the kick in the pants I needed. I just started my own business, so things are really out of whack. On the really rough days, I want to cry with the boys (2 under 2yrs). Thanks for your godly encouragement!
I have a razor blade (2 actually) in the plastic covers/holder and love them. I use them all the time. I have a flat top stove so I use it for that, painting, cleaning, everything. they are very awesome.
Tawra…May I suggest a boxcutter. It’s made of metal (so it will still stick to your strip) and will SAFELY hold that razor blade and then slide over the blade when not in use. It also gives you leverage when scrapping, cutting etc….Or you could try a metal window scraper gadget(shaped like the letter U and it retracts the blade inside. Both items can be picked up cheaply (a LOT cheaper than STITCHES!!) at any hardware/home depot…That naked blade is an accident waiting to happen….Careful!!!
Yeah, I use a box cutter all the time.
Yes, I also use box cutter for how many years,,,
because it save for the children..
Tawra, What a great idea. I am been thinking about Christmas gifts for my husband and this will be the perfect one. He has a huge toolbox – in an inconvenient place in the basement – but only uses a few screwdrivers and ratchets. This would be perfect to hang right by the door for those tools he uses all the time. For me, we keep an exacto knife in the china closet – top shelf so the grands can’t get it – and one in the basement for him. The blade retracts and is easy to replace when needed.
we have been organizing everything in the house and garage.
Don built 2 sets of heavy duty shelves for tools and bbq things. it is great. But he took a couple short pieces of 1x1s and drilled holes into it and now all his screw driver sets are out where he can see them. They came in a nylon tote bag but he had to search through the bag to get the type and size he wanted. Now they are at eye level and he can see the ends and the size of handle with no problems.
One nice thing about it was he was using up scrap wood and so it was free but also got rid of a few pieces of wood that were cluttering up the garage.
Most of his tools like drills, grinders and nail guns come in plastic carrying cases so now the next job is to label them so I know which one to get when he asks for a specific tool.
Organizing is good doing it cheaply is better.
For those of you organizing things like your tools, after hanging things up draw around the tool. That way if you have taken several tools down at once you can see right away where to hang them back by the shape.
This organizing is addictive.
Don got the shelves in the garage using wood that he bought extra for roofing the garage and the side of the garage. He over estimated by 10 sheets. well 5 since we decided the one wall didn’t need to be replaced. So then he built me shelves in the basement for my preserves and built me a counter top that is the right height for me. 2 inches higher than the standard for this house.
He bought 2 open bookcases that are now in the dining room holding my appliances.
It is so nice to be able to grab quickly any of them that I need. I used to have to dig them out of a cupboard or go to the basement and haul them up. So I usually didn’t bother.
The other day he said “do you know how nice it is to know where your tools are” my answer was yes. my tools are different from his but they are tools and now I can use them.
so yes get organized and you will find the work you do much more fun to accomplish.
I know it is. That is why I tell people if they can even get started on one counter, pile or closet that once they get that done you feel so inspired to keep going and get even more done because that one little spot looks and feels so good to have done. It is just that first step of getting up and getting going. I then love to hear the excitement in their voices or posts after they get a section done. You really feel almost like a new person.
I love the idea of having “your tools” grandma, in the dining room. You have given me an idea. We have two buffets in our dining room. One has drawers and doors and is full (being decluttered) but the other one just has my silver chest and bibles. If the shelf is sturdy enough, I might try to store my stand mixer in there instead of taking up my counter space. I could use the extra counter space in the kitchen. Now to have my husband check and see if the weight of the mixer (it’s a huge kitchenaid that was a gift from a niece who got a divorce and didn’t want it anymore), will not be too heavy. Thanks for the idea, Grandma.