How long does food last in the freezer? Our handy freezer guide gives guidelines to how long food can be stored in the freezer.
Freezer Guide – How Long Does Food Last In The Freezer?
How long will groceries stay good in the freezer? Here is a brief freezer guide to help you know how long food lasts in the freezer. This is a guide to how long foods can reasonably be stored in the freezer under normal circumstances when packaged properly.
To ensure that your food lasts as long as possible in the freezer, make sure that it is sealed in airtight packaging and that you keep the freezer door closed as much as possible so the freezer temperature stays constant.
How Long Does Meat Last In The Freezer?
I generally freeze meat in the freezer in the original store packages because that is the easiest way to do it. Then, when I know I will need it, I defrost it on a plate with a couple of paper towels in the refrigerator. If you happen to buy a bulk package of meat for only one or two people you might want to repackage the meat in smaller portions so you only have to grab the amount you need to use.
If you have cooked meats, you can freeze them in portion sizes you expect to feed your family so you can easily grab them and warm them up. Here’s how long meat lasts in the freezer:
- Beef – 12 months
- Cooked Meats – 3 months
- Ground Meats – 3 months
- Lamb – 9 months
- Liver – 2 months
- Pork – 6 months
- Chicken and other poultry, raw – 6 months
How Long Do Dairy Products Last In The Freezer?
Generally, I put these items in the freezer in their sealed store packaging.
- Butter, pasteurized – 6 months
- Cheese – 6 months
- Cream Cheese – 4 months
- Ice Cream – 4 months
- Whipping Cream – 3 months
How Long Do Miscellaneous Food Items Last In The Freezer?
I usually throw bread in the freezer in the sealed store packaging. If you do, make sure there are no holes in the bread bags and they should be fine.
- Cakes, Cookies and Breads – 3 to 4 months
- Coconut – 12 months
- Egg Whites, out of shell -12 months
- Egg Yolks, out of shell – 3 months (Add 1/8 tsp. salt or 1/2 tsp. sugar for every 4 egg yolks)
- Fruits and Juices – 12 months
- Nuts – 12 months
- Vegetables – 12 months
Foods That Don’t Freeze Well
- Cooked egg whites
- Mayonnaise Salad Dressings
- Canned refrigerator biscuits, Danish rolls, cinnamon rolls, croissant dough (You can bake these and then freeze.)
- Salad greens
- Raw tomatoes (You can freeze raw tomatoes but they should only be used for cooking.)
- Custards
- Cream pies with meringue
- Grapes (unless eating frozen)
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I buy in bulk and I grow my own veggies and freeze them. I do can tomato juice and some jellies and jams
I freeze a lot of vegtables because I don’t want to waste them but find once frozen I don’t use them. This year I will be canning more. I’ve got the equipment to do so it won’t cost me more. I’ve also started dehydrating but am not sure how to re-hydrate the food. Any help will be useful. I’ve de-hydrated strawberries, celery, onions and mushrooms so far.
Thanks for your help.
Most things all you need to do is to is to place them in a bowl, cover with hot water and let soak for 5-10 mins depending on the vegetable. Also veggies are really easy if you are using them in vegetable soup or stews because all you need to do is dump them in and they rehydrate as they simmer and cook. Go to you video channel and type in dehydrating in search and we have a few videos that we talk about this.
I bought a Spiral Sliced Ham at 98 cents a pound at Walmart. How long do Spiral Sliced Hams last in the freezer?
Thank You for the Wonderful Videos.
Hams don’t last as long as other meats – around 6 months
We vacumn seal our meats. How long can we leave the vaumn sealed meats in our chest freezer?
Usually you can keep it for 2-3 yrs.