You don’t have to spend a lot to let your spouse know you love him! Here are some great ways to romance your husband on the cheap this Valentine’s Day!
Here are some inexpensive ideas to romance your husband and to have more fun on Valentine’s Day!
- Go to a bookstore, enjoy the silence and browse. Get a cup of coffee and make a date of it.
- Celebrate Valentine’s Day AFTER Valentine’s Day. Everything is half off.
- Treat your husband to a Valentine’s Day treasure hunt with YOU as the treasure! ;-)
- Mail a love letter to your hubby’s work.
- Send your spouse a sexy email message or text.
- Leave “Why I love you” messages all over the house. Buy a package of the cheap Valentines. Leave a message on each one and hide them all over the house for your honey. They will get to enjoy the gift for months!
- Use lipstick to make hearts and love notes on the rear view mirror, car windows, bathroom mirror or windows of the house. Leave a kiss on his napkin for lunch or dinner.
- Make a bunch of hearts out of construction paper. Put a love note on each one. Paste them all over the front door or car before your hubby or kids come home from work.
- If you don’t have money to go out, have a picnic on the floor. Use some candles and lay a soft blanket on the floor. Put on some soft music and have a romantic Valentine’s dinner on the floor. Use some white Christmas lights for additional romantic lighting!
- If you are planning on spending the evening in front of a warm crackling fire snuggling with your true love, (Yeah, right! What planet am I from? Did I forget about the 3 kids, 1 dog and 2 cats in the middle?) try spicing up the romance with a couple of handfuls of dried orange or lemon peel thrown into the fireplace.
- Cover the inside of your love’s car with cut out hearts with romantic notes written on them.
- Buy a balloon bouquet at the dollar store. Most dollar stores have nice Mylar balloons for $1 each. You can also get some cute cards for 50 cents.
- Make chocolate covered strawberries and enjoy them with sparkling cider.
- Don’t forget to stock up on Valentine’s cards and other Valentine’s Day supplies for next year on February 15 when they’re all marked down.
- I love fresh flowers, but they are so expensive and are a luxury item for me (Jill). The morning after Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day, I go to my regular grocery store where I can usually find unbelievable buys on fresh flowers. One year they had one dozen roses for just $3!
- Everyone has her own favorite way of keeping flowers fresh. Mine is to cut all the stems at an angle, add about 1/4 tsp. of sugar and 2-3 drops of Clorox to a vase of warm water. The warm water helps the blooms open fully. Change the water every 3-4 days. Most of the time, my flowers last for two weeks or more when I do this. I also remove any flower as it dies so it won’t contaminate the other ones.
- Mail a card to your spouse or kids each day during the two weeks before Valentine’s Day. A nice surprise that’s even cheaper is just to put a card or note in each of their rooms or in hubby’s car each morning.
- Decorate a small box and fill it with cut out hearts for your spouse or kids with messages saying why you love them. Give it to them on Valentine’s Day or give it to them February 1 and let them draw one message each day. Here are some sample messages:
- “I love you because you love me unconditionally”.
- “I love the way you smell so good.”
- “I love it when you think of me first and do things like the dishes.”
- “I love it when you take the kids to the store with you and give me an hour to myself.”
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Sexy email is GREAT—just DO NOT leave it on his WORK email OR any email he is going to ACCESS at work—or use a WORK PHONE to send a sext or sexy message/photo. Too many employers OWN the rights to go and look at these and people have been FIRED for this sort of thing.
Nice idea tho!
Instead of leaving the message on his phone or email, stash the card in his briefcase.
Haha…For the last couple of years, I have asked my husband not to buy me flowers or candy for Valentine’s Day until the day after. I thought I was the only one to think of this idea! Of course, he shows his love and concern throughout the year, not just Valentine’s Day!
Let’s get real. Most men would be thrilled to have their wife wear sexy lingerie and have a “romantic” time together. I don’t think most could care less about valentine cards.
OK, would it be bad manners to just print this post and give it to my husband to show him I was thinking of him? :0) lol
Not a bit Su. Most guys will gladly take any “romancing” they can get even if you are just thinking about him. : ) : )
I love to text him sweet messages through out the day letting him know how much he means. Cute ideas- I will try these this year.
I have been working on a box filled with 100 slips of paper stating different things I love about him! Another cute idea I saw on a different website the other day was to place a bag of Hershey’s kisses on the floor of our bedroom before he wakes up in the morning with a note that says, “I kissed the ground you walk on. Will you be my Valentine?” I just might have to do that too because I thought sounded fun! (I guess it doesn’t have to be first thing in the morning, but if it isn’t, they will be all over the house from the 18-month-old.) Have a blessed Valentine’s Day with those you love, everyone!
We never dine out on Valentine’s day (or any other holiday for that matter) because places are packed. Service isn’t great because the waiters/waitresses are working frantically. You seemed to be rushed out the door because others are waiting. The menu is usually smaller, with specials that are that are rarely fresh made. There is a lot of noise and an intimate setting is out of the question.
For Heart/Love Day/Anniversary:
My husband for the last 30 years surprise each other with cards, love notes home made from junk mail or pictures. I stick some some in his lunchbox for down days as well. Lipstick notes on the mirror, love message stuck on the drapes! Email a picture, test a message, picnic in bed or watching a movie. Since I nearly died once, each day is a cherish moment. I have have saved each and every note, picture to help the remaining one cope!
Oh this makes me feel old! :)
It might be worth planting some bulbs in pots , crocuses work well,outside next Autumn and bring them into the house in mid January so, with a bit of luck, they might be ready for St Valentines Day. Even if they’re not ready on the day you’ll have pretty flowers earlier than usual. Then you can plant them in the garden to come up the next year.
One year a long time ago, I was in my husband’s cube and wrote a few random love notes in his huge cube of sticky notes. He quit that job a few months after and I always wondered what the person who swiped his old office supplies thought of the notes :-)
Now this just made me LAUGH!!!
I usually make him his favourite dinner or another special meal, at, or around Valentine’s Day. We seldom eat steak or ribs, but I do them up for him, with all the fixin’s ( for us, that’s mushrooms, French fries, or baked potato, and pie for dessert), just for him. It is a bit more expensive than usual, but it is just for one occasion, and a whole lot cheaper than an equivalent restaurant meal. Often there are even leftovers for his lunch.
Years ago, my husband gave me a valentines card. It was like a contract, about our love. He signed it, but didnt notice there was a place for me to sign. The next year I signed it and gave it back to him. For the life of him, he couldnt figure out how I got his signature on the card. lol all with love.
These are so cute!! I love the idea of sending him some notes to work!
Love letter is definitely a great idea!
Great post :)
Some of these are great, especially the hiding notes one. Going to use that one next V-Day for the missus! Others I wouldn’t appreciate so much, like having greasy lipstick on my mirrors or self-serving messages like ‘I love it when you do the dishes.’ I know you love it when I do housework, but if love is conditional on the housework then I don’t need it.
I don’t think the message means that love is conditional on the housework but more said in appreciation and a thank you for doing those things to help. I also find when I am being judgmental and critical in any area and to other people even in small ways I really don’t have a real understanding of what unconditional love is and if I don’t do it in one area of my life (like with strangers) I am not practicing it in all areas of my life (like with my spouse or family).
In other words if I am going to other websites and leaving critical comments I am not practicing unconditional love so how can I criticize someone else of not doing it?
You go girl!!!
Very nice comeback! You Rock!!
Great ideas. WE often wants to make our valentines day more special and memorable for our valentine. You have shared very unique and budget friendly ideas. Romance with your husband in parks,fun in the beaches and silent sitting in the sea side are some awesome ideas. Looking forward for more.
Hello, Thank You For Sharing.. Very Nice Ideas To romance husband in no time and in small budget. Keep posting like this..
My guys is in the Military and every night I choose a scripture from the bible and I email him the scripture and what it means to me followed by a prayer. This is everyday when he is on duty at sea.
Sabtana what a sweet and wonderful idea. Thank you for it- this would be great for kids going to college too.
Since I work full-time, I will make my husband a dinner and dessert that are time-consuming, since it is a special day. If Valentine’s Day is not on the weekend, I will do it the weekend before or after, depending on which is closer. He appreciates this, as he knows time is limited for me. I like to make a baked good that freezes well, so I can concentrate on the main dish.