A one year old can be ever so helpful! Here’s a day in the life of Jack in pictures helping mom when he was one year old!
Jack “helping” mom rearrange the dog food.
Jack “helping” mom clean out under the sink!
Jack “helping” mom clean out the bathroom cabinet. (don’t worry, I was watching him the entire 10 seconds it took to tear it all out. The camera was right there so I had to grab a picture before I grabbed him up out of the mess. I had my hair stuck in the curling iron so I couldn’t stop him in time. :-) )
Jack “helping” mom pick up the toys!
Jack “helping” mom after he broke a plate. He grabbed it out of the dishwasher as I was loading. He thought he needed to help after I got it cleaned up!
Jack “helping” mom garden.
Mom- “They’re coming to take me away to the funny farm. Hee hee, Ha Ha, Ho Ho
And I wonder why I have no energy?
Yes, this is what a mom with CFS and a toddler looks like at the end of the day. (Mike took this and I have no memory of it! LOL)
He is absolutely adorable. I wouldn’t mind him “helping” me out either. Even if he takes away some of your energy keeping up with him, Tawra, he must be a wonderful joy to have around.
he is soooo cute! … yep, he can even help me clean too… hehehehe :D…
your children are just beautiful tawra! … :D
thanks for sharing the pics with us…
how are BJ, Elly and David? i hope fine…
the new website is just awesome! … i love it! … and now that i can find everything, it seems alot easier…. hehehehe :D…
thanks again for all you do …
try to rest more (if you can) …
say hi to mom (jill) for me…
rose :D
Hi, Rose. I haven’t fallen off of the face of the earth I have just been like you – still trying to figure out how to use the new web site and blog etc. It has only been a short while ago that I have figured how to use the old everything and now we have changed to something different.
I do think though once we get the bumps smoothed out it will be much easier for everyone to use. With the old I don’t think most people really knew about the huge amount of info we had on the site and where to find it so hopefully this will help.
To make things even more interesting we have now add facebook to the mix. I don’t even know what facebook is let alone how to use it. :) :)
I am trying to still keep up with things and if I can’t figure out how to post something I just call Tawra and say “Be sure and give everyone this tip tomorrow.”
So am still here I’m just running 5 paces behind. HA!HA!
PS I know I am prejudice but like most grandmas I do have the cutest grandkids. Also none of those pictures were staged. He is really that busy all day.
Thanks for sharing the pictures of Jack (and yourself). They make us all feel better about being “real women, wives, mothers, etc” tee-hee! Jack looks just as busy as my three boys were when they were younger!! They help keep us young (riiight)! Love the new site- I can find things much quicker and easier- thanks for all the hard work it took to get it up and running! Hang in there and take care!!
Tawra, you look absolutely radiant and beautiful in the next to last picture holding Jack.
i agree delores! :D … tawra, that is a great pic of you… :D …
also, jill i have trouble with the facebook too… i will tell my son bc he can go on facebook on his xbox (not sure how but he does) …
and yes you are right … your grandchildren are just soooo cute! :D…
and i didnt notice this at first but now i have, jack is eating dirt in the gardening pic … hehehe :D …
and if i had half the energy that jack has i think i could get more done … hehehehe :D…
again thanks for sharing the pics… :D
also i forgot to share the good news… we have a new addition to the family… i have a new granddog! … yep… her name is princess buttercup… she is a teddy bear poodle… she is apricot color and the sweetest thing ever! .. altho my son in law spoils her terribly (he hasnt slept much since she was broughthome!… every time she whines or fusses he is like “buttercup, daddy is coming!”… hehehehee :D … it is rather hilarious but he is a sweety … she is getting to be soooo spoiled but we love her…
as soon as i get pics i will share them with everyone…
And yet, even with Jack on a rampage, your house is still cleaner than mine…that is so unfair…
Poor Tawra – isn’t it amazing how a little person can bring so much joy. He looks like so much fun!
Oh Tawra, I have a daughter and son-in-law who are absolute slobs. They are organized in everything else except their home, which is a beautiful home if you could see it for all the filth….dirty dishes, dirty clothes on the floor, clean clothes on the couch waiting to be folded, floors that haven’t been swept for weeks. My kids were not brought up in an unkept house. I had pride in my home and wanted people to feel comfortable in it. My son is a better housekeeper than my daughter. Any suggestions as to what I can do to instill in her the need for a tidy home. They also have a year and a half old little boy. Help.
I’m sorry to say that if they are adults they are going to have to make the choice to clean it up themselves. If they ask for help you can help them but unless they decide they want it clean there really isn’t much you can do.
Tawra is right Carol. Once they are out on their own there isn’t a whole lot you can do now. If it is any encouragement to you my son and daughter in law had problems keeping house when they first were married. Mostly because my daughter in law’s mom worked and never had shown her how to even do things like wash dishes or make a bed let alone how to cook or clean a whole house. Then to make matters worse they moved into an old house which needed to be remodeled and were tore up and with no walls for years which made it hard to keep clean.
They have been married over 16 years now and have a beautiful new home and they keep it immaculate. You could go there any time night or day and it is spotless.
Sometimes it just takes time to learn things and if they have a toddler then some people have a hard time keeping up and adjusting to parenthood so give them time. If you taught them right they may eventually figure it out. Plus even when they are grown mom and dad’s example are still the best so keep your place nice and comfortable and they may wake up.
Thanks for this. My 3 year old helping is exhausting me. Lately I’ve been crawling into bed before she does. She gets story with mom, but dad ends up finishing up bed time tucking in later after I’m out.
Yes, most days that what I look like at about 5 when Mike gets home from work. Poor guy has a babbling wife and 4 kids descend upon him almost every day. :-)
here are a few tips that worked for me when I had a 3 year old and a new born on their helping me do housework.
make a dishwasher. just a small box with buttons painted on. put a smaller box inside so you have a shelf for dishes. give him a bunch of plastic or camping dishes along with old silverware. let him load his dishwasher and when you are ready to start yours tell him to push the start button on his. the noise of yours makes him think his is working.
When you have vacumed the living room give him a broom his size cut down an old one or buy a toy broom or dust mop and let him clean the floor. No dirt to mess with but he is proud as punch when he says all done.
He wants to help get supper. give him the lettuce to break up into pieces for the salad. have vegetables cut up and let him pour these into the lettuce. let him shake the salad dressing really hard even if it is a bottled one.
Put dishes on the table and let him put them around at the places. Place mats are good for this so he doesn’t miss a place.
if you are doing laundry get him to help sort it. teaches him or her colours. dark lights whites. so he misses a thing or two does it really matter unless it is a new red top mixed in with dad’s white underwear. Not a problem at all.
Get a small basket and let him carry a load of laundry to be washed.
let him fold the washcloths or pillow cases and maybe match up socks.
If you let him help you now and teach him the proper way to do things then when he no longer wants to help it will be routine to continue helping.
It’s funny how at 18 months he’s already “helping”. When he spills his water he will get a towel and wipe it up. He will feed the dog. He will put up cups and toys. They learn quick!
I’m “glad” to see someone else has the same brown circles under their eyes I do. I’m about to celebrate 22 years of CFS next month. I’m hanging in there!
LOL, Mary Kay concealer works wonders! :-)
Tawra-I am So impressed with how clean your house is!!! Omingosh, girl, you are amazing! Jack is too adorable for words. Is he the only one at home now during the day? Does he still nap? Hope so!
Jill-I think you taught your baby girl well! Looks like she’s doing a wonderful job. You both inspire me everyday!
God Bless you two:)
Ha! All I have to do is watch one show of the Hoarders or something like that and I feel great! It’s never clear of stuff but we always keep picking up and if I had company coming in 30 minutes it would be presentable. That doesn’t happen around here much though. :-)
What has really helped me keep ahead of the clutter is Flylady. Her website is geared toward people who are not BO (Born Organized). The first thing she tells you to do is “shine your sink”
I love Flylady too. I have 4 special needs adopted kiddos 7,6,5,4 years old and am a foster mom to up to two more. My husband was injured in Iraq and I am the only one who works. I wouldn’t have made it without Flylday, truely. Without her babystep advice someone would have been in residental treatment (likely ME!) Now Tawra and Jill are helping me slowly make it more comfortable too, not just tolerable. Thanks everyone for being such a great community and thanks Tawra and Jill for inspiring us all!