This easy homemade lip gloss recipe is a great way to use that last little bit of lipstick so you don’t waste it and also to get a lip gloss that matches your favorite lipstick color!
We have included several recipes for homemade lip glosses and balms in the Dining on a Dime cookbook. I thought I would post this one for those of you who have a bunch of lipsticks with only a little bit in the bottom of the tube that you hate to throw out.
It’s really easy to make this lip gloss with ingredients most of us already have.
Homemade Lip Gloss Recipe
3 Tbsp. petroleum jelly
1/4 tsp. lipstick*
Melt petroleum jelly and lipstick in the microwave, just until melted. Mix well and place in a small jar* or container.
*Add more or less lipstick for desired shade.
*I found a package of small clear containers at the Dollar Tree the other day, which would work perfectly for this, so if you have nothing small to put the homemade lip gloss in, you might try there.
Be sure to save any little containers you get and wash them out. They come in handy for so many things. Check your copy of Dining on a Dime for many other flavors and types of lip balms and glosses. Dining on a Dime includes a whole section on homemade beauty products and toiletries called Pretty for Pennies :-).
Jill, This reminder came just in time, because I currently have an almost empty lipstick, but enough to make this lip gloss recipe. Thanks.
I never knew you could make homemade lip gloss! how cool is that???? I’d love to see more of the recipes!
I made this lip gloss with petroleum jelly I found in Dollar Tree and some small containers I found there too. I now know what to do what any lipstick I have that is too dark. This will work great to soften the color. Thanks.
Not only will this idea stretch the use of the lip stick, it also stretches the price. Meaning you can stretch out the use of a $7.00 lip stick over a greater amount of time therefore making the price seem cheaper. Instead of it lasting only maybe 6 months, the lipstick can now last for over a year or more. Great way to save money.
I love this tip and the ideas for using baking soda. I hadn’t thought to check Dollar Tree for lip gloss containers, but I will now. thanks.
love your new site design and what a great way to use up those bits of lipstick that are always left!
I tried this lip glass recipe and I loved it. I used some lip stick that was too dark to make it. It softened the color and worked great. I made mine in a little pimento pepper jar. The four ounce size. I got some lip brushes at the Everything is a Dollar Store.
I just did this lip gloss thing and OMG this turned out really good. I was looking at how to make homemade lip gloss but i did not have items that are like oils but this was like two things so i am so happy thank you for this website. You really saved my day from sad to happy Thank you.
You are so welcome Emily. Glad it worked for you