This applesauce muffins recipe makes incredibly delicious muffins that your family and friends will love! Great for parties, get-togethers and kids snacks!
This applesauce muffins recipe is a tasty muffin recipe that is a staple at our house! The kids have always loved them and if we find out we’re suddenly having company over or we’re headed to a potluck and I forgot to make something, this recipe is a quick and easy apple muffin recipe to bring!
This recipe is a super easy way to use up those leftover bits of applesauce still left in the jar that nobody seems to want to use. Apples are optional, so if you have applesauce you don’t need to use apples, but if you happen to have apples, the chopped apple bits add a little extra flavor and a nice texture. If you have an unfinished apple or leftover apple slices, this recipe is a great way to use them!
These applesauce muffins are very moist with a wonderful apple flavor! The cinnamon, sugar and nutmeg makes a delightful crunchy topping – for that home-baked yummy goodness that brings a little holiday at grandma’s house type nostalgia! These muffins are great to serve for fall and winter because they do go well with the holidays, but they’re a great apple recipe to make anytime you need a quick and easy snack!
When the kids were little, I tried to always have a snack ready when they came home from school and these muffins were one of their favorites!
Applesauce Muffins Recipe – Easy And Delicious!
This applesauce muffin recipe makes incredibly delicious muffins that your family and friends will love! These muffins are super moist and they’re great for parties, get-togethers and kids snacks!
2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 egg
1 1/2 cups applesauce
1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted
1/2 cup chopped apple (optional)
- Preheat oven to 425°.
- Stir all ingredients by hand until mixed. Don’t over mix.
- Bake 20 minutes.
Applesauce Muffins Topping
- Melt 1/4 cup butter or margarine.
- While the muffin are still hot, dip them in butter and then in the sugar mix.
- Set aside for a few minutes to cool and to let the topping harden.
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I like your quote.
I also like the muffins. I do a similar one but use rhubarb or stewed rhubarb instead of the apple sauce.
I grow rhubarb and apples I have to buy.
I do have a crab apple tree in the front yard so when I make apple butter I do use that sometimes.
A couple quotes to add to your collection:
my house is clean enough to be healthy and
dirty enough to be happy.
A messy kitchen is a happy kitchen and my kitchen is delerious.
I have both hanging in my house.
I can’t tell you much how I look forward to reading this blog every day. I have all the ingredients for those yummy muffins, so I think I will make them tonight after work. Here is a recipe I think you may like. It is easy and yummy. It’s called “Baked Cinnamon Bread Pudding” Ingredients are, 1 large loaf of cinnamon bread, 1 large package cream cheese. Break 1/2 loaf of the bread into small pieces and lay in 9 inch by 13 inch pan. Slice cream cheese into small pieces and cover bread with the pieces. Put remaining 1/2 of loaf of bread on top of cream cheese. Mix 8 eggs, 2 cups milk, 1/2 cup syrup and 1 stick of melted butter or margarine. Pour over top of bread and refrigerate overnight. In morning, bake for 50 minutes at 350 degrees.
Ok I have taken some of the tips found here and added some of my own so now the public part of my house is looking better.
My problem is my chest freezer.
I spent 10 min. this morning attempting to find the chicken I knew was in there. Found the roast I need for tomorrow night company dinner and lots of my sandwich meats in their bags but had to dig deeper to find the stupid chicken. It is now in the slow cooker but by the time I find things in there I don’t feel like cooking anymore.
And when it comes time to clean the freezer with fibro it is hard so it doesn’t get done very often.
I can only clean it when someone is here because one time I fell in.
I was stranded my hands on the bottom and my feet stuck up in the air and I couldn’t get my feet back to the stool.
I had to call my son from upstairs where he was studying. Very embarrassing as well.
So any tips on this problem would be greatly appreciated.
54 year old women do not look good stuck upside down in a freezer.
I am very short and had a chest freezer for a long time. I finally bought some large tote bags and sorted my frozen stuff into bags — chicken in one, vegetables in one, etc. Then I stacked them on top of one another in the freezer. If I needed chicken and it was in a bottom bag, I could lift out the top bag, lift out the chicken bag, get what I needed and then replace the bags. It kept my freezer so much neater and more accessible!
oh my gosh grandma what a story! I don’t know whether to laugh or cry! Glad you were okay :)
Jill, what a timely post for me today. I have Crohn’s disease, and like CFS, there are good days and bad days. I am having a flare now and even worse than the potty issues is the joint pain! My back and hips( and knees and fingers) have been so bad, last night there was so much I wanted to clean up after work, but I just couldn’t will myself to do it.
I made dinner and then got the kitchen real cleaned up afterward, and called it a night. I felt bad about not straightening the rest of the house, but then figured at least I did a good kitchen clean up; even though I had been tempted to just let the dishes soak in the sink.
I appreciated reading this today, because it is impossible to be supermom; but when you have a chronic illness – it is hard to even be decentmom!
Liz have a good laugh. I was just glad it was my son who was home and not my husband. He has a great love of catching me at weird moments and taking a picture before he helps me out.
With fibro and a love of the outdoors you can bet he has quite a few on his computer.
I was born with fibro and got chronic fatigue when pregnant with my first child.
I often felt guilty about the house not being picture perfect and my children missing out on the mom I wanted to be.
Would you believe it was my children who set me straight.
They were waiting for the school bus one morning and a kid came up to them and said, “my mom says your mom isn’t sick she is just lazy and doesn’t do things with you because she doesn’t love you.”
Pow in the nose. “my mom is not lazy and she loves us so much that she hurts herself looking after us and showing us how much she loves us. She even waits outside with us when it is cold and raining just to make sure we are ok. We never see your mom out here. Now don’t ever say anything bad about our mom again or anything nasty about anybody’s mom or you will be sorry.”
The bus came then so I couldn’t say anything. But when they got home I told them they shouldn’t have hit him even if he was bigger than both of mine.
The oldest said “mom, I wouldn’t have hit him if he had said anything about me or dad but we have to protect you because you are a girl and we love you just the way you are.”
So I guess children have a different way of looking at moms no matter what their health issues are.
Don’t try to think of what other moms do think of what your children need and do it to the best of your ability and you will be the super mom in their eyes.
Mine are now 32 and 29 and I am still super mom to them. Their wives say they have a hard time measuring up to me.
Which isn’t always good.
Grandma and everyone else-as the leaders of your home making team, delegate to those more qualified than you. If you have health issues for example, let your son clean the freezer. Since I’m the best cook I do so (most people would prefer my cooking over their own). I love to grocery shop (when I was little if I behaved that week and it was my turn my parents took me to Foodtown to grocery shopping! The thrill still hasn’t worn off.) Because of my tendinitis, I love to hand wash dishes. I avoid dusting because of asthama. We don’t clean our own teeth, and shouldn’t try to do everything else either.
well said :-)
Hello Grandma, Please get someone to help with freezer chores! I sold my chest and bought an up-right instead, don’t regret it either. Easy to open door, shelves, door shelves and plastic dish-tubs full of smaller items. Made life so much easier !
Oh … forgot to leave my comment on the recipe! Now, I know what to do with the extra apple sauce. Bet these would freeze well, too.
I am glad to see other women feel this way. I grew up in a home where EVERYTHING had to be ‘company’ clean everyday. We cleaned the house every morning before school (got up at 5:30) to clean before school. My mother was a clean freak.
My home is clean, the dishes always done, the laundry 98% done everyday, and the living room is neat, the beds made, and the bathrooms cleaned…but that is it. I do not dust as often as I should. My windows could sure use a good cleaning…but my family is comfortable.
As a tip for the lady looking to fix her freezer problems. I use those very large zip lock bags to organize my freezer. One holds chicken, one beef, and one pork…the veggies and fruit are in the freezer of my refrigerator. This works well. I keep the things wrapped and dated so I can use the oldest first…
These were wonderful !
Hello again.
I am lousy at delegating. I was raised in a family with a father who had mood swings that were terrible. So we learned early to cater to him. Just to keep things calm and semi normal.
So it is ingrained to continue this.
My sons have moved and grown up so it is just my husband and I now.
I never worked out side the home in 34 years of marriage so the house was my job. He works full shifts at heavy labour so I always feel guilty getting him to help.
Now he has started insisting on doing some of the things around the house. and I am not kicking him out of my kitchen as much.
The thing with the freezer is I am waiting for it to die. We have lived in the house for 12 years and it was here when we moved in and it was at least 15 years old then. As soon as it does it will be picked up by hydro and we will get a more efficient one. I say it will be hydro picking it up because then they can figure out how to get it out the door which is too small for it. Put in after the freezer was in the house.
It is way too big for 2 people so it keeps getting stuff tossed in. Great for making big ice packs for camping trips and things just very disorganized.
It has taken me 34 years to finally realize that I do have a husband who loves me for me and not what I can or cannot do.
I have tried for years to get away from the life I grew up with and now I am comfortable with my life but it has been a struggle and it continues to be just not such a big one any more.
I have come to the conclusion that many things that frustrate us are not the real problem. Like my freezer the freezer isn’t the problem since it could be gone in a week it is all the baggage we hold onto in our heads that make the little frustrations so hard to handle.
Letting go of the baggage seems more to the point and more productive than letting go of the things that seem to be the problem.
I sort of came to understand this reading this blog and trying some of the tips on organizing my house.
So thank you Jill and Tawra you may have changed an old ladies perspectives.
You are very wise and I admire how you are seeing the bigger picture now and are evolving in how you see yourself and how others appreciate and revere you. I have enjoyed reading your posts through the years and wish you the best always.
I have just had a very bad weekend. It was a real eye opener to see just how badly the diabetes affects my life without medications. My prescriptions ran out almost two weeks ago, and with jury duty, moving the prescriptions to a new pharmacy, and difficulty getting a nurse to ok a bridge refill til I could get to the doctors office, I went a week and a half without the medications. This weekend I mostly slept, and last night I burned two pans because I put them on the stove and promptly forgot them until the smoke alarm went off (twice). I saw the doctor today, and he was horrified that I went through that. He said if that ever happens again, come into the office and he will personally ok the meds. It’s bad enough to have to live with RA, this on top of that was very bad. I’m at work now struggling to stay awake and alert, but at least I have the meds now, and will recover soon, I hope.
The point of the above post was to say that I had to give myself permission this weekend to just loaf around, and I should have also given myself permission to let someone else cook (although my husband did grill the fish). Tonight he won’t be happy, but I think I will just put a few canned items with some leftovers into a cassarole and let that be it. It’s harder to burn something in the oven (although not impossible. Maybe I should let him cook everything tonight.) LOL
I made applesauce last night according to the recipe from your cookbook and the house smelled so good. There is something about apples and cinnamon that is such a nice homey scent. And then I made the Apple Bread from the cookbook and added a cup of tart pitted cherries from a can and it can out SO YUMMY.
If you don’t have any margarine on hand you can sprinkle the cinnamon sugar mixture on top before you bake. Saves calories too!
Muffin Question- When adding blue/cranberries, do they need to be fresh or are frozen OK? How many cranberries/blueberries? I’m thinking that 1 cup sounds about right.
1-2 to 1 cup depending how much you have or how blueberryyyy you want them. You can use frozen just be sure to add thm to the batter frozen or they will become mushy and color the batter. When still frozen berries are added they taste just like fresh in muffins. Be sure to toss wit a little flour before adding because it distributes them better.
Thank you. I am planning to bake these in a couple of days.
My husband is diabetic, so I might make two batches and substitute a sugar substitute product in the second batch to see how it turns out.
I’m glad I took the time to read these comments. The chest freezer problem sounds like me. I’m short, that’s it just short. I’ve been trying to figure out how to organize my chest freezer, so things don’t get lost. The Big Zip Loc bags are a great idea. Now no more burgers in bottom of the freezer, where i can not reach, no more waste, no more mess. Yes ! ! Thank you All
Grandma, instead of waiting for the freezer to break down maybe you could just give it away to someone who is in need of one but can’t afford it. Tell them if they can haul away then they can have it. Even if it only lasts them a year (or maybe a few months) at least they will have gotten some use out of it and for free. Try putting a post up on or put up a flyer on the bulletin board at your grocery store and/or at you husbands job. Someone might want it. Then you can invest in a smaller stand up freezer instead. Even if you don’t get paid for the freezer, at least you won’t have to pay to have it hauled away.
For organizing the freezer I use plastic filing crates. They are about $5 at my local Wal-Mart. I even bought a couple at Goodwill for $2 each. I use one for chicken, one for beef, one for veggies and one for other stuff, like juice, bread, nuts, whatever. I also use mason jars to freeze items in. They are great for coconut, nuts, even leftovers that are frozen.
Grandma, if you ever fall in the freezer again you might want to consider just climbing all the way in, turning yourself around and climbing back out. I have almost had to to this with my top load washer – LOL! Ok, enough snickering everybody. :)
Grandma, I loved in on a x years old upright freezer in 1986. It’s 28 plus years old. You have at least my permission to offer it free on Craig’s list or Freecycle and purchase yourself a new one. In the meantime, you plastic boxes or milk crates to divide things by beef, pork, chicken, dairy, vegetables. I found some bins that I trashed picked earlier this year worked perfectly for the freezer and the cabinets. Thanks for tossing that stuff neighbors. You were a blessing to me. Now you can bless others with their freezer.
I know this sounds like a very dumb question but…… the top part where the ingredients are listed, you say 1/4 cup margarine, melted. Is that the margarine that you use to dip the muffin tops into or does that actually go into the batter?? See told you it was a dumb question! :)
Not a dumb question at all Sandy. The margarine in the top part gets mixed in to the batter and the you melt another 1/4 cup to dip it in. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Will change so it is a little clearer.
How many muffins does this make? And are they big or small muffins? Thanks!
This makes about 12 regular sized muffins. Not the mini or the gigantic ones. Of course even when I say regular it all depends on how full you fill your muffins cups which for this would be about 2/3 full of batter. One way that helps me to know on a recipe (because so many muffin recipes don’t say) is that if a recipe calls for 2 cups of flour then that means it will make about 12. Hope this helped.
Yum! These muffins look good. I have all the ingredients but it’s just too hot to turn on the oven!
THE BEST!! Like NO other…
Delicious. I also sprinkled cinnamon sugar on top before baking.